Failed Ortho Cases

Orthopedic implants are artificial devices or components that are used in the skeletal system of the human body for different purposes, such as replacing joints or bones, supporting bones and reattaching ligaments or tendons. Implants are designed using different kinds of biomaterials like stainless steel, polymers, Titanium, and composite materials, When performed using a good biomaterial, orthopedic implants show great biological and mechanical compatibility, along with corrosion resistance. An implant.
So, what leads to failed ortho cases? What is implant failure? Well, when there is a need for premature removal of an implant, the surgery or treatment process is considered to have failed and requires another surgery or more appropriate treatment option. 

Implant failure is the inability of a medical implant to stand by claims of the health care provider (the hospital or medical professional who installs it) or its manufacturer. The success rate of an orthopedic implant also depends on its type, patient’s age and location. If you have undergone an orthopedic surgical/implant treatment that failed due to whatsoever reasons, we are here to help you with a detailed diagnosis.

Dr Reddy’s team is skilled and experienced to work on failed ortho cases with a fresh take by studying the medical history and previous treatment closely, to come up with the best course of treatment.  

Reach out to us for first-class medical assistance for any of your failed ortho cases.

Book your appointment today to get proper diagnosis and treatment for your shoulder fracture.

Book your appointment today to get proper diagnosis and treatment for your shoulder fracture.