Understanding Rickets

Understanding Rickets

Rickets is a softening and weakening of the bones in children caused by a severe and sustained vitamin D deficiency. Rare hereditary disorders can also result in rickets. Vitamin D aids your child’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus from his or her meals. A...
Paget’s Disease of the bone: Symptoms and Causes

Paget’s Disease of the bone: Symptoms and Causes

Paget’s disease of the bone disrupts your body’s natural recycling mechanism, in which new bone tissue progressively replaces old bone tissue. Over time, bones can become brittle and deformed. Most typically affected areas include the pelvis, head, spine,...
Tips to keep your Bone Health protected

Tips to keep your Bone Health protected

Bones serve a variety of functions in the body, including structural support, organ protection, muscle anchoring, and calcium storage. While it is critical to have strong and healthy bones in infancy and adolescence, you may also protect bone health in maturity. Your...
Bone Loss: Why it matters and how to prevent it?

Bone Loss: Why it matters and how to prevent it?

Our bones serve as more than just a strong structure for our bodies. They are living tissues that are always renewing, storing critical minerals, and contributing significantly to our general well-being. Sadly, bone loss is a normal process that starts to happen as we...