During the pandemic, plenty of unexpected decisions were made by the governments of countries across the globe. The long months of lockdown considerably affected medical treatments, especially elective surgeries, such as cancer treatments, knee or hip replacement, etc. The government of India and several other countries have postponed the elective surgeries, keeping in mind the safety concerns of both the patients and doctors.

However, this change in regulations has affected the patients suffering from severe health issues that if delayed treatment could worsen. One such problem is for the individuals having knee replacement surgeries scheduled during the lockdown. As the surgeries have been delayed, the patients are going through a difficult time.

If you are one among the several such patients, we have brought you some tips that can help you deal with the pain and anxiety until the restrictions are entirely uplifted.

How to deal with knee arthritis during delayed knee replacement surgery?

To temporize your arthritis symptoms, you can follow these tips and techniques at home:

  • Virtual appointment: Try scheduling a virtual meeting with your surgeon to discuss your current symptoms and suitable treatment options until the surgery takes place. No need to leave your home for the hospital in this situation.
  • Virtual physical therapy: If your doctor suggests physical therapy, you can get along with your therapist on a Skype video call. In case your surgeon has not yet recommended a physical therapist, discuss the need and request him for a referral, ensuring temporary relief from the acute pain.
  • Home exercise program: With the recommendation from your doctor, you can get into a home exercise regime that will help you find some relief from the knee arthritis symptoms. If you feel the need, do make a virtual visit to your surgeon.
  • Weight control: Even when you are under medication pre-surgery, you must control healthy body weight. Eat healthy and stay fit.
  • NSAIDs: Taking anti-inflammatory medicines can allow the pain to subside, relieving the symptoms. You can get these from over-the-counter or as prescribed by your physician.
  • Activity modification: You can stay protected against unwanted injuries by avoiding situations that could increase the pain or symptoms.
  • Braces: After consulting with your doctor, you can use knee braces to control the knee arthritis symptoms.
  • Injections: Steroid or viscosupplementation injections can offer relief from specific symptoms of knee pain. However, it would help if you had a consultation with your doctor on call before getting an injection as it can affect the time of surgery.

Be patient and active – we are here to help
In these testing times, it is essential to take care of your health conditions. Hopefully, the restrictions will be uplifted soon, and you can get treated with no more interference. You can reach us anytime you feel the necessity, and we will connect you to Dr Reddy at the earliest.

Until you could get the knee replacement surgery done, stay home, stay safe and stay connected to us through virtual appointments.